Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

two doses of the devil and I'm still here!

hey everyone! Just wanted to update you all. I am doing okay. I have my good days and bad days. My first treatment of my new chemo was three weeks ago. One of my chemos is called Cytoxon, and the other is Adrymician(sp?) also known as the red devil. And it lives up to its name! When we went in to get the first dose three weeks ago I was scared. But, the nurse was so sweet and understanding and walked me through it. I had a PICC line put it which I absolutley hate! I miss my mediport! Anyway, she came out with this HUGE syringe full of red fluid. Looked like a shot for an elephant. She stuck it into my line and slowly pushed it in. Took her twelve minutes. I felt nothing. Then the other chemo is in a bag pumped through my line and takes an hour. So I am then done. Don't feel anyting unil two nights later. I wake up and am so severly violently ill. NEVER been that sick in my life. I spent twelve hours in the bathroom. I actually woke Stan up because he thought there was some kind of animal in the bathroom! ha oh, dear LOrd. You know I was being loud because those of you who know sweet Stan know how deaf he is. He came in and found me hanging on. He helped me with everything. Things usually only Moms are capable of doing. He is such a good man. I asked him to bring me a pillow cause lying on the cool tile floor felt good. So, he did. I asked him while I was lying in the floor, "Now Tell me again why I AM DOING THIS!" He looked at me and said, "For Cole and Allie, Kristi." So then I refocused my attention on them instead of the wood trim around the bathroom floor. I made it through the night. I survived it! The next morning Stan and my Dad take me up to the cancer center at 8:00 a.m. They rush me into a room in the back and hook me up to fluids and meds to control the sickness. In about two hours I am good to go. I spend the next week in bed. Where I got addicted to watching the Casey Anthony trial. I know that is bad, but that was all that was on. So if you have any questions about it just ask me. ha How sad is that. Ha Anyway, I started feeling lots of energy three days ago and actually cleaned my house myself and did all my laundry. Then this wed. we went and did it again! But, this time we are trying a new anti nausea/vomit medicine called Emmend. Get this: three pills of this were 500 dollars! That is rediculous! My insurance paid for half. So they better work!!!! That night I was throwing my bones up though I would have given everything I had for one. So, I am hopeful they work. Time will tell cause I just had my treatment yesterday. Also, my sweet beautiful loving sister had some pink bracelettes made to give people to remind people to pray for me! I am so thankful and grateful to her. I love seeing everyone in my church and family wearing them. Especially when I see people I don't even know! Thank you AMy. I also want to say again that my Mom is just the best in the world! This woman takes care of my kids without even asking. She does my laundry when I can't and lays down with me when I need her to. It's not odd to come in my bedroom during the day and see my Mom, Dad, Stan, Allie and Cole all laying in bed with me. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!!! So, now we get thru these three weeks until we do another. I love all my friends that text me and send me sweet messages on facebook, mail and e-mail. I live for those. All my hair fell out three days ago. All at once. I was brushing it and it just came out. But, I took it alot better than last time. Just part of it. I love each of you that reads this. Even if I don't know you. God BLEss. kristi ~still a survivor


  1. I love you SO much! You are my hero! God has demonstrated His love and His strength to me through you. Bless you for being faithful to allow Him to use you in even this situation. God has truly taught me what it means to "pray without ceasing" in the past two years. I pray without ceasing for you! Love you my sweet soul mate!

  2. If anyone can beat this monster again, I know it is YOU. You are a survivor at heart. God will cradle you in His mighty hands. I pray you feel His presence and peace surround you. Praying faithfully my survivor sister.
    Love you,
    Terri Young

  3. Hey Kristi! Love you and sending hugs your way today! I just sent you a message...not sure if it posted:-/... a little technically challenged! Oh well, if you got it great, if not, bottom line is I am thinking about you and praying without ceasing! Go Superwoman.... you've got this!!! Love ya!!!

  4. This brought tears to my eyes! Thanks so much for sharing your pain, heartache, and joy with us.
    There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you and how strong you are....
    This verse came to me today:
    "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you" Ezekiel 36:26

  5. Kristi, I still just can't imagine! Your strength and faith are so endearing! I think of you often and am praying feverishly for you! You are such a wonderful example of a true woman, mother, and wife. Bless you and your family! It warms my heart to hear how close and caring your great family is! So happy you have all this support through another huge FIGHT!!! You hang in there and take care!!!

    Michelle (Horn) Bessent
