Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Coming back from the Dead and synthetic hair!

Well, I am still alive. I know it has been awhile since I have written, but I have been getting back into the routine of life with kids, schedules and family. Life goes on, just as it should. My girls are consumed with basketball, volleyball and cheer and my little boy starts is first soccer practice next week! He is 3 1/2 and he is sooooo excited! He has been sleeping in his soccer uniform the past two nights. I can't tell you the wonderful feeling I get of being able to go in the yard and kick a soccer ball to him! I am so thankful for that. I get stronger everyday and my body is healing both physically and spiritually. And, my hair is growing back! Oh girls! It looks awful! It is black and white!! It is coming back straight and sticks straight up! Of course, I keep it covered, but I am just glad it is growing back and fast. I finally found me a wig. I swore at the beginning of this I wouldn't wear one, but I found one that I like. I am tired of the bandanas and all the stares in public. I don't feel like people looking at me anymore and wondering why I am wearing that on my head. "Is she sick? Is she having a midlife crisis? Did she park her Harley outside? " LOL So, now I am enjoying freaking out those that do know me with my new synthetic hair! Stan and my kids love it. It took Cole a little getting used to, but he came around. And it is the same color my hair was and looks fairly much the same as my hair did. The first day I wore it I went to the drive thru car wash and the teenage boy that always takes my money said, "I have never seen you with your hair down." Poor guy. I guess he was one of the ones that thought I had just been wearing that bandana to look cool. I start explaining to him that it is a wig and go through the story. He touches my hair and I can tell he doesn't know what to say. I then start wondering why I even have to explain this. Then later that night Stan and I are in Academy and the girl checking us out goes "You have GREAT hair!" ahhhhhhhh.......so sweet. Stan and I look at each other and smile. Stan is looking at me like 'is she going to explaine it?' But, I just smile at her and say, "Thanks, hon. you're sweet." Sunday morning was the best. I wear it to my small group and forgot that some of these people have never seen me with hair before! Lots of laughs. So, I now have hair! But, I am extremely flammable!
My family is doing great! Everyone is getting back into the groove of life after this illness. I still have to go through reconstruction and am still doing my weekly infusions of Herceptin, but I am good. Herceptin doesn't bother me at all. It is just time consuming having to go the chemo lab to get "infused" every Monday, but July will be the end of that. Had a heart test to see of this medicine had damaged anything and that was all good. Answered prayer. Thanks for all your prayers. Keep them coming! Love everyboy and thank God every morning for giving you another day with your family. Blessings, kristi