Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to all my friends, family and anyone else that reads my blog that I don't know. What a year! I am on my new oral chemo (10 Pills per day) and a weekly infusion of Herceptin. I am leaving on January 8th to spend four days in Houston at MDA. Stan and I will be there once again! We've got this drive and drill down perfectly now. I think we definately have passed the marriage vows where we said "sickness and health and better or worse." ha. The week of the 8th we will find out if my liver has grown back the way it was supposed to and find out if I am still cancer free. I would be lying if I said I am not scared. Waiting and scanning is just almost unbearable, but we do it. My chemo is very tolerable this time. It is by no means fun, but it is nothing like the ones I have done in the past. When they took my liver they took my ovaries which has caused REAL menopause. I thought chemo had thrown me into it before, but this is the real deal. I am sure it is no worse than any other woman's, but I found myself one day searching for the refrigerated food section at Target and opened it and stuck my head in it. I grabbed a box of something frozen and put it on my neck. ~~HA hot flashes are rediculous!!!! Anyway, I have learned a lot this year.
I have learned that although human beings are the strongest thing God created we are also the weakest. I lost two friends in October that had been fighting for their lives against this horrible disease just like me. I think of them every morning when I get up and take these stupid chemo pills. I think of these two ladies every time I am doing something with my children. My heart hurts for their families. So, when I start feeling sorry for myself or want to just quit I close my eyes and see them. I have all their words of advice chisled in my brain and I count my blessings and keep going because that is what each of them would tell me to do. So, I am once again asking for prayer. Pray first for my friend's children that lost their mothers to this ugly cancer. Pray for my family: Stan, Allie, Hannah, Cole, Amy, Sammy, Blaine, Brooke, Grace, Mom and Dad. Pray for them to be strong no matter what this new year brings. We are counting on nothing but good news, but I am fully aware how things can change and I just want to be strong no matter what. Strenght!!! Jesus!!
I am also thankful for Allie's dad Jeff. Thank you Jeff for being there for me and Stan. I thank God every day for healing our family.

I heard Hoda Kobi (she is a breast cancer survivor on the Today show) say it best about breast cancer. And I quote, " You know people love you in your life, but you don't know how much until you get sick."

I love each of you. I will be updating my blog when I get my results sometime the week of Jan. 8th. God Bless each one of you.
Staying positive and in prayer,