Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

It is official! I am a germaphobe nut!

Well, I have felt really, really good the past three days. I have felt my old self and so as I am preparing for chemo #3 tomorrow I decided I would just write about something that happened to me over the weekend. Rather funny, I would say. so, I wake up Friday with this energy that I have not had in about 4 weeks. I have no headache, no tiredness, etc. So, I decide that me and Cole (my three year old) will go to Midland, Texas and see my husband Stan. He had only been gone one day, but I missed him and thought the trip might be a change of scenery for me. So, me and the three year old pack up and head out. Cole has just become completley potty trained the past month and I have not been on a road trip with him since this wonderful event has occured in our lives. I didn't even think twice about it. Just put him in his car seat, put in my new Rob Thomas cd and headed to the interstate. Cole slept the whole way there, which was amazing. I had two and half hours to think and listen to MY favorite songs. Not Allie or Cole's. Allie is my 13 year old, so you can imagine her favorites. Anyway, we have a nice visit with Da Da and leave to come back home the next afternoon. Short trip. But a nice one. Well, the trip home was a COMPLETLEY different experience than the one going out there to the desert. Cole sings his ABC's for a constant 20 MINUTES as we are leaving. He sings, or I should say YELLS, as loud as he can this little song over and OVER. This is not helping with the "chemo" brain I have been experiencing (which is a phenomenon within itself and no one completly understands unless you have experienced it; forgetfullness, foggy thoughts, etc.) We are on the road about 15 miles when he says, "mommy, I have to potty RIGHT NOW! hurry, hurry!" And then it hits me; He means this!! I forgot he was potty trained now! OMG! so, I am trying to explain to him how to "hold" it until we get to the next bathroom. We pull up to the next place, which is a HUGE truck stop in I-20. I park and we rush in to find the bathroom. I am carrying him on my hip and of course one of his flip flops falls off and he freaks out, "My shoe, my shoe!" So, we get that back on and head to the NASTY truck stop restroom. I always find truck stops intersting. Everyone is "going" somewhere and I always wonder where they have been, etc. (Just a little nerdiness on my part.) I notice some "biker" girls with really cute bandanas on and make a mental note to ask them where they got them. But, anyway, we get into the stall and I am trying to wipe the seat off with an antibacterial wipe of course and my Dolce/Gabbana percsription sunglasses fall of my smooth, bandana covered head into the truck stop toilet!!! Well, I am FREAKING OUT! Cole has to pea still and I am panicking about all the germs.......So, one arm of my glasses is not completly under, so I pick them out and just lay them on the floor. I get Cole on the toilet and that is that. I am waiting for him to get through and looking at these glasses on the floor. I want to throw them away SO BAD, but they were just way too expensive. Plus, my extra cheap pair are missing because I have put them up in a "safe" place and with this chemo brain thing going on can't remember where that is.. so, I decide that I have to do this. I can't see without them. Cole and I go to the lavatory sink and I notice that it has HOT water. So, after about 15 minutes of running them under the hot water and soap I put them in a paper towel and we head to the car. Of course we have to spend another 10 minutes while Cole decides what kind of snack he wants. We get to the car and I get out my bottle of germ x and just start squirting it all over my glasses. I realieze that there is a motorcycle group parked next to me on their bikes and a couple of men are looking at me like I have lost my mind. They probably thought I was in a biker group too with my zebra bandana on until I got in that suburban. Anyway, I get the glasses back on and we head back to the interstate. So, I guess I accomplished something by not throwing the glasses away, I don't know. Oh yea, we had to stop two more times for potty breaks, but after the third time I realized it was just a ploy to get another snack.! So, I am heading into tomorrow for round 3 and am glad I can laugh about this today.......I am taking my new book that a friend made me tomorrow. I am still in awe that all these people did this book for me and will write more about that later. I still can't talk about the book long without crying. It is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. HOlding on tight to each word of wisdom in the book and being so grateful! love you all, kristi