Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

All Clear..........and two big hugs!

Just to update everyone. Stan and I got back from Houston late Wednesday. After three days of testing and doctor's apts. we finally got results on Tuesday that I am clear. Scans were good, blood tumor markers are good and my liver has grown completely back! It was a long few days to say the least, as it always is, but, only those with cancer know the agony of waiting for that doctor to come in the room with results..........But, God's will was that I remain clear! So, now I go back every three months and check again for at least two years. But, that's okay. I will stay on my oral chemo as well. One chemo I will take four more cycles of and the other for a year daily. I will also continue getting infusions of Herceptin once every three weeks. God willing this "cocktail" will keep the cancer away. We are so relieved. The chemo is not hard, but it is making me retain water and causing some skin problems, but, you know what, that is OK!!! Both of my oncologists that I saw hugged me! I did not want to let go! Stan was amazing as always and kept it together even though I know he was just as scared as I was. So, I am once again on my knees thanking God. I love you Jesus! I love my family! So, I am going to try and get back into my life and not let this cancer control my every thought. I ask for prayer for that. I love all of you that read and I am beyond grateful for your prayers. staying in prayer and positive, kristi