Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Monday, November 26, 2012

150 Coffee filters and an unanswered question

Hello family, friends and prayer warriors.........Tomorrow Stan and I leave for MDAnderson for my checkup. This checkup is a big deal........well, they all are a big deal, but, there is ALOT that could change after this one, for the better.....Every three months when I go to Houston they do a CTSCAN of my liver, chest and adominal area. So far, as you know, those have all been clear for a year now and I am still cancer free!! Praise God. This time I will have the CTSCAN plus I will have a PETSCAN. A PETSCAN is a test I have had three times in the past 3 and half years. But, I haven't had one since July 2011. This test involves me being injected with radioactive stuff and getting into the tunnell. If there is any cancer in my body it will glow on these tests........We are doing this PETSCAN because I have now completed all my treatments I was supposed to do after my liver surgery in Oct 2011. This is just to make sure I am still cancer free from head to toe. If I am, I will go off all medicine and get to give my body a break. whew!!!! If I am not, then that's a whole different story. But, we are not anticipating a problem because my bloodwork and tumor markers have been perfect now for a whole year. They check my tumor markers every three weeks here in Abilene. Tumor markers aren't used on everyone, but the first thing that alerted us last time the monster came back was my tumor markers went up. So, I am lucky that my body responds with tumor markers when the cancer is present. So, pray for me and Stan to have safe travel and of course for good results. Pray for my kids while I am away from them. Now, about those coffee filters.........hmm........Every morning I wake up I make the coffee. My coffee and coffee filters are in a cabinet above my oven. I have to tip toe to reach them because I am short:) Anyway, a few months ago as I was reaching for them I noticed on the package it said "count 150." Which meant, the full package had orignally contained 150 filters. I had just bought them about a week before. I remember thinking to myself, as a lot of us cancer patients do, "I wonder if I will be here to use all these?" So, every morning I would think about that as I made coffee. Crazy, yeah, I know, but its how my chemo brain works;) So, a couple of days ago I used the last coffee filter!!!! I made it 150 days! It made me realize how much I think about the future. I worried so much about not being here for Cole's first day of kindergarten and yet, here we are almost to Christmas break!! God has been so good to me. I am really trying to live in each day, but, as a mom sometimes it is hard. So, I bought me another package of coffee filters, but this time I bought 700!! HAHAHAH;) Also, since I wrote last, I have been blessed with being able to speak publicly twice with my testimony. This is so healing for me and I really feel The Holy Spirit when I do this. I have had to accept alot of unacceptable things through this cancer. But, there is one thing I will never understand..........And that is why do little kids have to get cancer? My community lost another ten year old child to this monster yesterday. I follow two other little girls that are fighitng this...One is winning and one is not. My heart breaks for these families. I can not even imagine. SO, when you pray form me please pray for these children. Pray for healing for them. Pray for no pain or sickness with their treatments. I will update next week with my results. I love everyone who reads this. Be blessed!