Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Last visit with my doctor before surgery

Went to the doctor today. It is really hard for me to write this because I am tired and my eyes are blurred with tears, but I know that I need to. First of all, I want to thank everyone who has contacted me via this blog, e-mail, facebook, text, etc. I am in complete awe at the amount of people praying for me. I can promise it is all of those prayers that get me up in the morning. Thank you . I am so very grateful.
Well, we decided to do the double masectomy and lymphnode removal first of next week. Actually, on Monday. (I also want to say that I know I am having a ton of typos and that is one of my pet peeves since I used to be a language arts teacher, but for some reason, spellcheck and grammar check just don't matter to me at the moment. ) lol Having said that, I went into the docs office loaded with a pad full of questions.........of course. She so politely answered them all and I have decided that this woman is an angel. She has become my lifeline. I shed no tears this time in her office. Just sat there in my little paper gown with my legal pad like I was interviewing her or something. When I got to the question that was ,"Have you ever had a patient die in the operating room while you were doing their masectomy, her eyes widened and she grinned and said "No." whew, do you think she would have actually said yes if she had? I think the grin was because I would bet she had never been asked that. That question also made Stan sit straight up in his chair and start paying closer attention to my questions. On a stronger note, she was able to give me a bit of good news. My lab report came back on my tumor that it was, I can't remember the big name, but basically it can be treated with some sort of hormone therapy as well as chemo. This was "wonderful" news she said. She said she could "breathe" now that she knew this. I was thankful for that little miracle, but we still don't know the stage until we get those stupid lymphnodes out. Right now my tumor was 3cm which automatically makes it stage II. After this masectomy I will be in the hospital one to two days and then have all these drain tubes things that will have to be taken care of by a home health nurse. I should be recovered in about 2 weeks and then my oncologists should have all results and decide on the treatment regime. I will have reconstructive surgery after all my treatments. I am still on an up and down emotional roller coaster, but I know this: God is good. God is faithful. This was His plan all along and I am just waiting to see the end result. Something good will come out of this. Thanks again for all those praying. Please don't stop. .............love you all, kristi