Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Days of My Lives!!

OH! Well, I got the mediport out of my body today! This is so exciting! Although I have to admit it did make the whole process of getting injected with stuff easier than an i.v. But, I am glad it is gone! I pray and hope I NEVER have to have another! But, as always, with me going to the operating room there is always a story and adventure behind it. So, here it goes. Since I have absolutley no patience when it comes to these things I made sure my appointment was scheduled enough ahead of time that I would be the first patient of the day! If you have had the luxury of having to have surgery,(ha), then you know that waiting for your turn can sometimes be a LONG wait and make for a LONG day! So, being the "first patient of the day" is like being "employee of the month!" So, since I have gotten to be really good friends with the scheduler I was first! But, that meant I had to be at the hospital at 5:15 a.m. Which, also meant, I had to get up at 4:30!!! My sweet dear old Dad was kind enough to come over promptly at 4:55 a.m. to stay with Cole so Stan and I could go to the hospital. Thanks Dad!
WEll, needless to say, I am tired and nervous on the drive there. I have done surgery now ten times, but I still get nervous. The hospital I went to is under construction and nothing is where it used to be. So, we get to go through the maze and detours as we aimlessly walk our way to day surgery. And since I am first, we only have to wait like 5 minutes until they call me back. So, I get called back and am actually in a hospital room. My sweet nurse, whom I have had two times before, comes in and we remember each other. She gives me my gorgeous gown and tells me to get dressed in it and lay down and she will be back in a few minutes. So, I get dressed in the lovely gown and lay down in the crispy, clean hospital bed. Stan automatically turns on FOX news and reclines in the recliner. Then the sweet nurse comes back. Hooks me up to an i.v. in my hand and gives me all the itenerarry of my day and leaves. Then a big old guy named Rueben comes and wheels me down to the "make shift" o.r. (remember: everything is temporary because they are renevating the whole hospital) I am always intrigued at how they can wheel you down the halls and elevators in that big ol bed and not hit anything! He takes me in a room that is full of all kinds of metal and surgical looking equipment and tells me good luck and leaves. Now, since I am first, I am the ONLY person in this cold, huge, metal room! There is not even a nurse in here! I am alone looking around and eventually one by one other people get wheeled in wearing their lovely gowns and shower caps. We all look the same. Scared! Then someone comes and talks to me about anesthesia! He actually is not the anesthesiologist, but his assistant. He asks me all the required questions and I answer. He asks if the doctor told me if I was going all the way under. I said I hope so!! I told him to please make sure I stayed asleep during the operaiton. I woke up a couple of weeks ago during my colonoscopy!!! (which is a whole other story) He looked surprised and said he promised he would keep me under. Yep, woke right up during the colonoscopy. It was like the twilight zone. If you have had one, then you can just imagine what that would be like. Freaked me out and everyone in the room!!Only me!
So, now my surgeon comes and gets me and the Dr. Feelgood gives me that wonderful shot in my i.v. and here we go to la la land. I wake up after it's all done and I am fine. But, there is a medicine bottle on my chest with something in it! It is my mediport! Good grief people! It was nasty! I asked the nurse if I was supposed to keep it and she looked at me like, oh no, and said "no" and grabbed it. It was left there by accident. As I am being wheeled back to my family I am overcome by emotion and just bawling. It is a mixture of the anesthesia, morphine and just relief that it is over. The first people I see are my little niece Gracie and my precious son Cole. Beautiful sight. Then my sis, mom and Dad and Stan. I stay about another hour and then I am released home and go straight back to bed. One more thing on my cancer survival checklist. I did meet an angel in the o.r. She was waiting for surgery too. We were across from one another. She was younger than me and was having surgery on her back. She was paralyzed from the chest down due to a car accident. I was humbled listening to her talk. I am so blessed to be where I am. I am grateful for every breath. I am grateful I am not paralyzed. I am grateful I woke up from anesthesia when I was supposed to. I am grateful for my husband and family that are ALWAYS there no matter what time it is. Thank you Jesus for your mercy you have given me. I love everyone who reads this.