Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Two more to go!

Monday I go for chemo #5. Number 4 was the toughest yet, but today I am good. I know there are only two left, but it feels like there might as well be 20 left. But, after number five then I can say I only have one left. That will be a great feeling! I turned 40 years old a couple of days ago. That was the best birthday I have ever had! I was so glad to have it. I remember last year when I turned 39 I couldn't believe that I was almost 40. I dreaded that birthday so much, I remember thinking that. But, things have changed my friends. Cancer has taught me so much about myself that I didn't even know. And about others. My family is TOUGH! At my birthday party on Sunday I was looking around the room and realized that each one of my family members there has had to sacrifice something because of me the past few months. Whether it be they had to do without my wonderful Mom when she has been at my beck and call for the past few months or that my sickness ruined everyone's summer vacation. Especially my kids. Though they would never say that, I know what they have all given up for me. But, I also know that they wouldn't have it any other way. They love me. And that is what family is all about!! LOVE. My Stan has just been so great. That guy has put up with all my chemo crankiness, mood swings, etc. and still tells me that he loves me more now than he ever has. I am a lucky girl. So, I am trying to stay positive once again about this next treatment. As my little body continues to lose things from fingernails to hair to scattered thoughts, I just wake up every morning and remind myself what one of my new fellow survivors told me the other day and that is that "this too shall pass." And it will. I will carry this cross to the finish line in October with my eyes glued still on my Rock, Redeemer, Savior, and Friend: Jesus..........He hasn't left me yet and never will..