Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I remember back in May when I first started writing about this I would always think, "I can't wait until I can title a blog that says "One more.! Well, it is finally here...........Chemo #5 knocked me down hard for a week, but I am strong today. My last treatment is October 19th at 10:00 a.m. This is so exciting. You people have no idea...........those of you that have endured it do though I know. Last Monday for #5 I really tried to stay positive. And it helped a lot. I can only do so much mentally though because you just can't fight quicksand. But, time and time again God shows up in a big way. I don't know how to explain all the things I have experienced through God these past six months. But, He is real people. And He is what it all about.I am still having wierd things happen physically to me, but it is okay. I am having lots of "chemo" brain. It is hard, but everyone is helping me and supporting me and my doc assures me this will go away......I am going to hold him to that too!!! I stay home a lot these days because of all the flu stuff going around. I took Cole , my three year old, to the park the other day for the first time since I started all this mess. Before I got sick, I used to take him everyday to the park. Anyway, he was so excited that we were going. I gathered up the strength to go and just sit in the mulch at the end of the slide. Every time he came down that slide he came over and hugged me! I cried tears of joy the whole time. Just little things like that make you realize how much you have to FIGHT when you are faced with a disease. I am just so amazed at the people I have met through breast cancer. I have a best friend that has been with me to every treatment and called me everyday to check on me. I am so glad God put her in my life when He did. I call her my fairy godmother. She always knows what I need and when I need it. And she also lets me know when I am feeling sorry for myself and gets me off the sad train! Thank you Lord for her!! So, now we just have to make it through these next few weeks. Chemo has also thrown me into the trenches of menopause which is not fun, but, extremely easy compared to all the other stuff I have done the past few months. Sometimes I glance a look at myself in the mirror as I walk by and don't recognize myself. The only thing that looks the same to me are my eyes. Although they usually have black circles under them. But, they are there. I see a journey in them that is almost over. I can't believe I have come this far! I am here to raise my kids and love my husband and take care of my parents when they get old. That is the good stuff! I have a relationship with Jesus Christ on a level that I otherwise never would have had. And for that one thing alone, I am grateful.....
I surrender all to HIM!!!! love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing Grace!!! Wow, may God bless you in every way each and every day. You are such a beautiful woman and your family is precious. As you finish your last treatment and go through the final weeks I will still be praying for you. May God's healing power be recognized in all you do. My heart was pounding for joy as you described going to the park again. I know that God will use you in great ways as you love your husband and raise your family. I know he will bless your parents with your presence as they grow old together. What a joy it has been to lift you up in prayer time and time again and then hear that God has brought you through this and brought you closer to Him. Praise and joy!!! I will continue to lift you up expecting, loving, and thanking. In Christ, Anne
