Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Docotr visit : good news!!

Well, we all headed up to the doctor today at 9:00. Me, Stan, Mom, Dad and Amy and Cole and Amy's little Gracie. I was a nervous wreck......needless to say. I commented like "this must be what it feels like when you are going back to court to find out your fate from a jury." I knew my answer was on some piece of paper in that huge building I was about to walk into. I also knew that God could change it anytime He wanted. We prayed before we left my house. Me, Stan and Mom. Stood in my kitchen crying praying for good news, but if it wasn't, then His will, then prayed for all of us to accept it and God to give me strength.......When I get called back to the room I am still a little anxious. I am thinking , well, if anything, at least I can take these stupid drain tubes out today and be able to sleep on my side or stomach again. Mom and Stan are in there with me. Amy, Dad, and the little ones are down in the lobby. The nurse comes in takes my temp. I am looking for ANY sign of a diagnosis from him. But, he is just his same, nice, polite self. Doesn't act any different. So, he leaves. Then my angel comes in. The doctor. She comes in and the first thing she says as I am sitting there in my little paper shirt with my drain tubes hanging all around me is, "You are gonna be one happy camper today. All of your 20 lymphnodes I took out were cancer free." And then it hit me. It hand't spread! And it was gone!!!! The angel said even she couldn't really believe it. She had felt that it would have been in several, if not all of them....But, we could believe it. My prayer warriors that have so diligently been praying for me can believe it. God answered our prayer. This is the best news I could have recieved today from her. I asked her "Are you sure? Because yesterday on Oprah there was this lady (she is grinning as if to say, Kristi, really?) who's slides got mixed up in the pathology lab? She said, "Yes, I am sure. I would trust these pathologists with my own life. And you were the only one I did that day." I then I heard God speaking to me. Telling me he would never leave me..Deutoronomy 31:8..........and I heard all those verses I have memorized now coming through my head : Psalms 91; Isaiah 40: Jermiah 29:11, Psalsm 27. I am saying all these again in my head and she is taking out two of my drain tubes. I have to keep one for a little longer but I don't care......My Mom asks the angel doctor if she can hug her. Then I hug her. She tells me I will be doing some chemo targeted at that area just to be safe, but I don't care. I feel like I can do anything. My Mom leaves the room to go downstairs to tell my Dad and Amy. We finish up and the angel leaves the room. Stan holds me and prays over me and I have never been so humbled by Jesus as I was at that moment. He is in control of this. He loves me this I know. So, I want to thank ALL of you that have been pryaying for us. None of this would be possible without EACH OF YOUR PRAYERS. Keep praying. I know that chemo may be a battle, but I truly feel like I can do it no matter what it is. I don't go to the oncologist until June 30. I have to continue to heal from the mastectomies. Thanks again and know that if I could I would hug and kiss each of you and thank you in person. Don' stop praying for us! And I am praying for all of you ~ love, kristi


  1. To God be the glory! I told you Kristi! I told you HE would be made famous through all of this. God Bless You sweetie! I will continue to pray for your total healing and the chemo. You GO GIRL!! :) WOOOOO MY GOD IS FAITHFUL TO HIS CHILDREN. I AM PRAISING HIM IN MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW! :)

  2. Thank you Lord. Thank you Kristi. God has a PLAN for YOU!!!! Now get back to work, you've got babies to raise!! LOL!!! I'm SO, SO, SO, SO, SO THANKFUL and PROUD of you!!!

  3. Kristi,
    I'm crying as I sit here reading this! I'm so happy for you! I KNOW you can take the chemo as you have taken so much in your life and are a strong lady. Praise GOD for this good news and praise GOD that you will continue to be an inspiration to us all for a LONG, LONG time!
    Love you!

  4. Kristi my sweet sister
    I am crying tears of joy for you and us all! I am so very proud of your strength and unwavering faith. I love you and will continue to pass on this wonderful news!
    Love and Prayers

  5. Kristi!
    Awesome!!!! Awesome! Thanks for sharing the news with us...
    You and your will continue to be in my prayers...
