Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Chemo #2 and basically NO hair!

Last Monday we went for chemo #2. Lots easier getting there this time. Not so much apprehension. Stan and I went and went through the steps. Blood counts had gone back up and my medi port was in, so they assured me I was ready for round 2. Went back to the "treatment" room once again and this time picked a recliner next to the window. It was a gloomy day. Clouds were covering the sun. I am sitting there as the nurse is preparing my port with a spray that numbed it. I have to admit that this port was lots easier than an I.v. It was just like sticking a thumbtack into a bulletin board. So, the chemo is once again pumping throughout my little blood vessels. Doing God knows what to me, but I just try and focus on it killing any bad guys that are left roaming around in there. I am sitting there looking out at the gloomy sky from the window next to me. I can see the street with cars keep passing by. I wonder where those people are going? Everyone seems in such a hurry. I have driven this road everyday myself for the past few years. I have driven by this building probably a million times and never once thought I would be on this side of it looking out. But, I am grateful that I am here. I am grateful that I am fighting! Stan and my wonderful friend Stacey are there once again making me laugh. It takes about three hours and then we are done. So, we leave and I am thinking that I am not feeling just real good. Just kind of like blahhhhhhhh. I go home and go to bed for a couple of hours. It is hitting me different this time, just a little. Day two was the worst. I stayed in bed all day. But, by day four I was good.......thank you Jesus. But, the hair. Oh let me tell you, I did not realize how vain I was until the hair started coming out in clumps. This is the hardest part of the whole chemo thing so far. But, as I was washing my hair in the shower and it is falling out and swimming all around my feet a verse came to me. God gave me a Bible verse at this very moment. Matthew 10:30 "And even the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So, don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." And I thought, wow! That is ALOT of hairs to be numbered, but God is the only one who could number them. He is in control and knows how this is all going to end. So, after lots of tears I just got out all my little cute bandanas I had bought and wrapped one around my head. Just putting on another piece of armour. I knew this step was coming, but it is the most difficult. But, we are walking through this too. It will grow back and I am trusting God in all things. He has been faithful to me each step of this process and I am so grateful to have Jesus with me on this journey. I don't know how people do anything without Him.


  1. Kristi,
    I would probably cry, too. Because crying is one thing I do very well ... and often. :) Happy AND sad tears, mostly happy thank goodness. Hair is one of the TANGIBLE reminders of this whole darn fight. HOWEVER, maybe it can be a reminder that you are WINNING. In fact, you've already WON. (I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say. But, mostly I'm sorry. I hate that you have to endure this.)

  2. Keep your faith kid, you made the right decision no matter what the outcome by putting your faith with God. You are an inspiration to me, thank you. God bless. JJ
