Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Stupid appendix.....who needs it anyway?

I have put off writing long enough. I wanted to update everyone on what is going on with me. First of all, I am okay. When I came for my checkups a couple months ago to MD Anderson everything checked out okay...as far as the breast cancer goes. My blood work is perfect, my tumor markers are perfect and all my scans were good. But, inadvertently when they were scanning me they saw something in my appendix. They told me they were not worried about it. My oncologist told me I was okay and he would send it on the appendix specialist here at MDA and they would look at it and get back to me if they thought it was something that needed to be addressed. So, Stan and I headed home to Abilene.....thinking all was good. As we were about three hours down the highway.........a huge storm was approaching us and I was nervous. As I was driving into the storm my cell phone rings. Out in the middle of NOWHERE.......a lonely, two lane highway. I notice it is a Houston area code and I answer it. It was my oncologist's assistant. He said that the appendix doctor had read the report and wanted to look at it further and I would be rescheduled to come back to Houston asap. I, of course, have a melt down moment. We pull over and I lose it in a bar ditch! By the time we get back to Abilene I have gotten myself together. The oncologist does not think it is the breast cancer that has spread. So, that is a HUGE plus. All my blood work is perfect. I feel great! But, bottom line is the appendix has to come out. So, I talk him into waiting until after Allie's graduation. So, here we are again. Tomorrow morning I am having the appendix removed. Normally this surgery is fairly easy. But, of course, I can't do it the easy way!!! They can't do it laparoscopic because all my other surgeries have caused too much scar tissue. So, it will be a big surgery done the old fashioned way. Cut me right open. Depending on what they find when they are in there will depend on how much they take. Hopefully it will only be some stupid stuff in my appendix that is fairly common and not be cancer. If it is cancer,(they will biopsy it right there while I am under) they will have to take part of my colon. Depending on how far it is in the colon. Appendix cancer is extremely rare. Only 500 people are diagnosed a year in the USA. But, again, I stress that my doctors are telling me that it all looks very promising. So, family, friends, prayer warriors, please pray for an easy surgery. No cancer. And an easy recovery. My parents are here with me, Cole and Stan. I am not worried about it. Just upset because I don't have time for this. I am not gonna have many organs left! At this point, I am just like "take it all!" :) I will update you when I recover. Stan and my Mom and sister will update facebook. I know God is in control. But, like I told some of my family today, I think I am finally accepting that I am one tough cookie!!! I love all of you, kristi ~ never giving up