Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Relay for Life...........and another free pass

Just to update everyone..............Stan and I got back from Houston on Wednesday. We were there for four long days again. And after all the testing and meeting with doctors I can say that I am still CACNCER FREE!so, I am planning on having a good summer with my kids! They havent had a summer with me in almost three years! So, we are gonna play and have fun all summer loonnnng. I don't go back to Houston again until August! I will still be doing an i.v. treatment of Herceptin once every three weeks and will be taking five pills a day. Doctors took me off the chemo pills that make me feel so bad. I am so glad I get a break from those!! Stan and I were blessed again at MDA with all the people we met and he and I have a lot of bonding time there. He is my best friend. I don't know how he puts up with all my fear and mood swings, but he does. God bless him...........And thanks also to my mom, dad and Jeff. I would not be able to go if I didn't know you all had my babies in your care! Also, I am so thankful I participated in Relay for Life this year! What a blessing that was! I think I had the biggest group there. You have no idea how elated I felt walking that survivor lap with my friend Lin! And coming around the track and seeing my "team" of people was like the best feeling ever. I love each of you so much!Thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to come spend the evening with me! It means more than you will ever know. Thanks for being there for my speech! I felt so honored to be asked to share my story and it was amazing to get up there and tell it. I have never felt that feeling before. I was not nervous one bit. I felt the Holy Spirit in a way I never have. And if I gave just one person hope then my goal was achieved! So, I now have been given another "free" pass from God. I intend to use it well. I know He expects great things from me. And I ask for His guidance everyday and finding out what I am supposed to do for Him. I pray each of you have a fantastic summer and enjoy EVERY MINUTE with your families. I know I say that all the time, but I hope you really let it sink in and do it!!!! Life is so fragile. So once again, I am on my knees thanking Jesus Christ my Lord and Redeemer. Thank you Father! I don't deserve Your mercy. I love each of you dearly...................love love love