Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that matters. It is what you do with what you have left.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

365 days !! And I am shiney!!

Hey friends and loved ones,

Well, today has been one year since my world got turned upside down. But, I am doing so very well! I went back today and read my first blog entry. I have never done that until today. I am such a different person today than I was that day. Thank you Jesus for precious time...........I was telling Stan the other day that I don't even remember last summer. I spent the summer in hospitals, chemo labs and doctor's offices. So, to go outside today and feel the sun, swing my Cole, go watch my Allie play basketball is just so precious to me. But, life has gone on. AS it should. Finished chemo in October and my body is still recovering from that, but I feel better and stronger everyday I wake up. I am still getting weekly infusions at the chemo lab of a medicine called Herceptin. (not chemo) I will do this until July and then I WILL BE DONE. My blood counts are still low, but that is to be expected, so I am still a germophobe and always will be. I have to be so careful. I know that my body could not handle any sickness very well. I learned how damaged my body really is when we went to Sea World last week. Goodness! Six hours of walking was really hard on me. I couldn't figure out why I felt like I had been in some kind of accident the next morning when I woke up! When I asked my oncologist, he said it was damage from the chemo. But, God made our bodies to repelenish themselves and I can tell mine is rebuilding all the things that got destroyed. Hopefully just the good things, right? So, I have one year behind me! Four more to go and then my chances of it coming back go way down. I will be having scans done in July. So, pray for those to be clear. I think once I quit having to go weekly to the chemo lab and seeing my oncologist every three weeks and getting blood work constantly, I will be able to move beyond this a little better. It is hard seeing people in there that started when you did and you know that their chemo is not working. Some have passed away and that is hard too. But, God has showed up so many times in there and I have made lifetime friendships with some amazing people. My kids are all good! Cole is just precious! We were in the car the other day and I looked in the mirror as us girls do and I said ,"Oh, I look horrible today." Cole said,"Mommy, no you don't. I think you look very shiney!" awwwww. That was the sweetest thing! I teared up! My girls are blossoming into beautiful teenagers and our little Cole turned four years old! He keeps me going. We made it through Cole's first soccer season. Looking forward to a layed back summer. My Allie starts High School next year! My Hannah made cheerleader, so she will be busy with that all that next year as an eighth grader. Stan is still my rock. He is the most positive person I have ever known and he swings me back to reality when I let fear take over and reminds me that we are taking all this one day at a time. I know that it has been hard on him, but he would never let me know that. My parents and sister and Sammy are still my biggest supporters as well. I love you all so much family. On Mother's Day we all played wiffle ball as a family with all our kids. I was so so so thankful I was able to do that. My hair is coming back and is almost in enough where I can quit wearing wigs and bandanas, but not quite yet. It is very unruly. I take pictures so I won't ever forget. Once again, I am grateful. Grateful is really not a good enough word to describe what I feel. I am blessed. I am lucky. I am thankful for all my friends and family. People keep telling me how strong I am. But, if you only knew, I am weak. It is my God that is strong!! All I know is that I am alive today! I am stronger today! I am closer to God today! And I don't take one breath for granted. Staying strong, staying in my Bible, and staying positive! kristi